I am so sorry it has taken me so long to get these picture up. I started one night when every one had gone to bed it was still early but that quiet moment didn't last long. Things have been a little crazy since then. Kyra burned her hands on a glass of a gas fire place. She has needed to go to the doctors several time to have it looked at. Mattie had her check up and she is almost up to her birth weight. So between taking care of Kyra's hand feeding Mattie and keeping up with Ethan I have not had much time to blog.
Mattie on the scales.Our littlest baby weighing in at 6lbs 12 oz

One proud daddy.

Mattie being loved by her brother and sister.

Kyra wanted to hold Mattie right off. We wounder if she thinks it is her baby doll. she really has done pretty good with her. we just have to watch out because she is not always very soft.

Ethan Loves his new baby sister. Can you tell by that great big smile. I think they are going to have a special little bond. Every morning when he wakes up the first thing is does is asks if he can hold Mattie.

Mattie has had her first bath and they put a green bow in her hair. The bow was really funny because it was really only being held on by a few hairs. It made for a springy crazy bow.

Mattie is all dressed and ready to go home.

Our sleepy little girl.

Ethan love to hold his baby Mattie. He sings her songs and hugs and kisses her. They seem to have a special little bond.

You can see kyra's hand is all bundled up so that she can't take off the dressing on her burn and to keep it clean. We put med's on her hand then gauze it and after that we pin a sock to her shirt then put her jacket over that.