We had the Miles family Christmas on the 26th. Thanks grandma and papa for the great Christmas. We have fondue which is always very good. I especially liked the carmel desert fondue with the toasted coconut marshmallows. Then we open gifts and enjoy one an others company and this year germs. Ethan threw up in the middle of the night and we just figured it must be the meds he was on for his ears. After many of us came down with it later in the week we decide it must be the stomach flu. Sorry to all who were exposed. Kyra was the one in our family who suffered the most she threw up for over a week. We are not sure if it was a combo of the flu and being on meds for double ear infection or what. They ended up taking her off the meds and giving her a shot. That seemed to do the trick. On the 27th we had an adventure trying to go snowmobiling because of the big snow storm. We ended up going to Janel's house and were able to ride the snowmobiles out on the sod farm. the best part was my baby's were able to be in a nice warm home. Thanks Janel and Travis's dad for hosting us! Most important thanks to grandma and papa for all the fun! then we returned to eat Pizza and hang out. Oh yeah we also got family pictures which we can't wait to see. Thanks Erin and Kip for taking them. Thanks to Emily for wanting that for Christmas.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Christmas Day
Sorry the pictures are out of order. This is our family Christmas at grandma and grandpa Miles. Kyra was the first to wake up. Mom tried to keep her busy as long a possible because Santa left his gifts unwrapped for the kids. It was not to long before she spotted her new doll. We decided that we should wake up dad and Ethan. Dad was still really sick in fact we ended up going to the emergency room and found out that he did have strep throat. He really did have a right to not fell well but was a good sport while we opened gifts. Ethan was not as excited as we thought he would be but who can blame him being woke up and having double ear infection he just wanted to cuddle with mom. Once he figured out what was going on he got excited and had lots of fun. All in all it was a good day. Here are a few pictures of the kids with their gifts and the fun they had.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas Eve
Well Christmas break was a little crazy. It started With Ethan saying his ear hurt just before he went to bed on the 23rd . I figured he must have ear infections but when he woke up during the night crying about his ears I knew he did because he has never said a word in the past when he has had ear infections. To the doctors we went and sure enough it was double ear infections. David also woke up Christmas eve morning saying I think I might have strep throat but decide may be he didn't so he didn't t go to the Doctor, but latter that day he was hit hard with a fever and chills but all the doctors were closed. Kendra decided to leave him on the couch at his parents while she took the kids to celebrate Christmas eve with her family. These are pictures from that night.Ethan is checking out his new game but was very disappointed when he found out it took batteries that we didn't have. He would have to wait to play his new game. We thought grandma and grandpa Miles might have some, but they had everything but the ones his game needed. Kyra is checking out her baby doll that has hair. We are hoping she will like to play with her baby's hair as much as she like to play with her moms hair. Moms hair is kyra security blanket every night she runs her fingers through mom hair and pulls it also until she fall asleep. 

Ethan is opening some books from grandma. Kyra is loving her new baby doll. 

Skyler and Brooklynn watching Grandma open her gifts. Brooklynn is also enjoying holding Mattie.

Sara is using a knife to cut through the tape and paper that was protecting the wrapping paper. they received a beautiful clock from Tammy. You might notice that Lynn is enjoying holding Mattie. My brothers have sure liked having her around. It is always nice to have helping hands especially when David is not around.

Monday, December 22, 2008
We have heard about the wind blowing and drifting the snow but this is our personal experience. I walk out the front door and found this large drift of snow at the base of our stairs. I deiced we might not be going to far at least out the front door. but this is how all the front of our home looked. you can see part of the side walk is clear that is blown clean by the wind not from shoveling.David actually tried to go to the store but the drifts on our road were so bad that he turned around and came home. That night they closed all the east west roads due to drifting but they did a great job of plowing the roads all night. We deiced that today might be the best day to go to Boise if we are going to make it for Christmas because 70%chance of snow the rest of the week.David started to shovel the drift but deiced to wait until we returned because the wind would just fill it back in. We did make it to boise and the roads really were not to bad we are glad we left when we did! 

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
First Real Snow! (sorry pictures a little out of order) 12/8/08
Ethan wanted to go out and play in the snow the minute he saw the snow on the ground. I was not sure where all the snow gear was. The search was on and it really didn't take to long to find it all. then we had to figure out what would fit who then the process of getting it on. I asked myself will it be worth the time they are willing to spend out in the cold? It was it was fun to see them play in the snow and eat the snow. I think eating the snow was the big hit for both of them. Ethan wanted me to help him build a snow man but the snow was not wet enough to make balls. I am sure we will have tons of chances to build snowmen.

Ethan was out playing in the snow with his friends. they were having tons of fun. they went sledding down a little dirt hill in the back yard. I was trying to take pictures from inside but none of them turned out. I then got kyra dressed in her snow gear because she was fussing to go outside. That didn't last long it was so cold! I think it really hurt her burnt hand because she started screaming and didn't stop when we got in side.

Sunday, December 7, 2008
The girls afternoon with grandma & papa
Mattie doing what babies do best sleep. Grandma said she was asleep the whole time we were at sacrament meeting. What a sweet baby

Mattie opening her eyes just long enough so papa could take a picture.

Grandma & Papa playing with Kyra. 

Kyra didn't ever have the swing. She enjoyed it today. Doesn't she look so relaxed.

we got the swing out today to have something else to put Mattie in but it looks like it might be Kyra's new place to hang out. We had just got it set up and Kyra was getting tired so we put her in gave her a bottle and she was asleep in no time. 

I know this looks bad but it actually is looking a lot better. It has been two weeks sense she burned her hand. Today we decided to let it get some fresh air to see if it would help it heal even more. There are parts of it that seem to stay moist from having it wrapped with a sock on it all the time. she has done well having it exposed to the world. she is very careful with it still which I am thankful for.
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