"Why did the skateboard (or anything else you can think of) cross the road?" "WHY?" "To see his cousin LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!" ................................ "TYPEWRITER."
Mattie has started wanting to eat cold cereal and eat it all by her self! She really does a good job most days. I think she is just the cutest thing eating up to the table with her little bowl and spoon. It is so funny how she put the spoon in her mouth and then follows up with her other had. On most day she eat more than the other kids. You can tell she is happy to not be in her high chair.
Kyra found a book this morning that had coloring pages in it, Ethan asked if Kyra could have crayons so she could color in it. I then found them some crayons and some more coloring books for both of them. It was a hit they all had fun coloring together. Mattie even joined in for a little while, but her new found freedom of climbing took over and nothing could stop her. First she climbs on to the chair then to the table. There she takes a stand as the Queen of the table. You can take her down as many times as you like but you will soon find she has found her rightful spot as Queen of the table once again! The last picture is a great moment for me as a mother. I was down stairs with Ethan and Kyra when they went upstairs. I thought for sure they were making a mess or getting into things they should not,but this is what I found. It was so sweet to see them sharing a chair and a coloring book with no fighting involved what a great moment!