"Why did the skateboard (or anything else you can think of) cross the road?" "WHY?" "To see his cousin LOL LOL LOL LOL!!!!!!!!!!" ................................ "TYPEWRITER."
It's in our blood. These pictures prove it. Sun Glasses instantly make you way cooler! Think your a goofy and awkward 1 -4 year old kid, always slobering, runny nose, with food all over your clothes, but the second you put those sun glasses on you're the cool cat in the world. Everybody including your sister, brother, and parents love you. It boost your ego even more when the papamamaratzi rolls out the camera and starts snapping pictures of you and then posts it on the internet so grandma and grandpas can oh and awe over the cute-really cool- little tikes.
The girls Love just hanging out. Kyra thinks it is really funny to use her kitchen as a jungle gym rather than a food preparation area.The Kids love the Bean Bags their grandma Ireta gave them too. They will line them up and then jump off the couches on to them. Then they will just lay in them and watch cartoons.
OK you will get a kick out of this. Kyra just pooped in her pants or so she was walking like she had. Yet when I went to change her panties there was nothing their. So where did it go because you could tell by the skids in her panties then down her leg that some thing happpened. I ran down stair to tell all the kids to hold still or you might find something. Half way down the stairs Ethan yells gross I stepped in poop mom. So just as I figured it was on the floor.I know gross. I begin to get it cleaned up then I stepped in some.Just when I thought I got it all Mattie found some luckily I was standing right by her so she didn't eat it. Oh the fun of potty training. May be I need to get that book!I hope we don't find any more poo. unless it is in the potty!
Kyra's hair is starting to get a little longer now and sometimes she asks to have piggies put in her hair. However, she only leaves them in for a short time. Ethan thinks it cool too, when I was putting the piggies in Ethan came a long and said I should put a lot of piggies in Kyra's hair so I put as many as I could. I think maybe she might get some hair before she goes to kindergarten.