Monday, December 22, 2008


We have heard about the wind blowing and drifting the snow but this is our personal experience. I walk out the front door and found this large drift of snow at the base of our stairs. I deiced we might not be going to far at least out the front door. but this is how all the front of our home looked. you can see part of the side walk is clear that is blown clean by the wind not from shoveling.David actually tried to go to the store but the drifts on our road were so bad that he turned around and came home. That night they closed all the east west roads due to drifting but they did a great job of plowing the roads all night. We deiced that today might be the best day to go to Boise if we are going to make it for Christmas because 70%chance of snow the rest of the week.David started to shovel the drift but deiced to wait until we returned because the wind would just fill it back in. We did make it to boise and the roads really were not to bad we are glad we left when we did!

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